Rogue Open Studios 2008
17th, 18th May,11-4
preview 16th May 6-9
preview 16th May 6-9
The repair and transformation of broken objects found on ebay and in charity shops is a strong element within my practice. For some time I've been collecting broken figurines and "repairing" them, exaggerating the breaks, thereby distorting the figures and coupling them with seemingly opposing elements. Below and above are examples of this new work shown for the first time at this year's Open Studios at Rogue.
above:Running Woman with no Hand Trips on a Heap of Shit and Hangs Herself, (Royal Doulton Figurine and studio detritus)above: Beheaded Girl in a Red Dress takes a Long Look at Herself
below: Wandering Woman in a Landscape, Lladro figurine with tree roots and mirrorabove: "Broken Chair, Repair" Edwardian palour chair with broken leg and lead piping
below: Wandering Woman in a Landscape, Lladro figurine with tree roots and mirrorabove: "Broken Chair, Repair" Edwardian palour chair with broken leg and lead piping